“The Revolution is always concerned with the least glamorous stuff”
Taylor’s Falls, by Serita
Healing ourselves is not a performance, a feat, or victory to be sought after, but a practice, a journey, an embodiment of all that is sacred in your life. Summer's warm weather means challenging ourselves to dismiss body idealism and center ourselves in body and being holism. What does this mean? It means that when we enter a healing practice we maintain an open mind, holding all the practices in our being that were given to us from teachers, community, ancestors and letting go of anything that stands in the way of that.
After teaching for Ben Vincent, who after 13 years went on sabbatical and asked me to take over for him, I am returning to my regular drop in schedule with new and exciting collaboration on the horizon!
Yoga, Meditation & Ayurveda for All
Mondays: Tarana Yoga in South Minneapolis
75 minute Donation Vinyasa 9:30a
-Cash or Check only
Tuesdays: One Yoga, Minneapolis- NEW CLASS!
60 minute FREE Restorative Yoga 5:30p
75 minute Hatha 7:30p
Wednesdays: One Yoga, Minneapolis
-75 minute Hatha 9:30a (starts in September)
-75 minute Hatha 4p (ends last week of August)
-75 minute Hatha & Medtation 7:30p
Dharma Sundays: One Yoga, Minneapolis
75 minutes Hatha & Meditation 9-10:15a
75 minute Vinyasa 11-12:30p
One Yoga Book Club: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Nov 21st 2-4p Donation Based, Open to ALL, One Yoga
Summer Tranquility: Rest and Well-being with Amy and Serita
Open to ALL, One Yoga
August 21st 7-9p
My work in healing justice is expanding. Announcements coming soon.
Pictured with Sammie Ardito Rivera (L), Operations Admin and Healer at Marnita's Table and herbalist Rowan Emmanuel (R)